The Law Group occupies over 2,000 square feet of chemical laboratory and instrument space in the Natural Sciences II Building at UCI. Group members have ample office space in three separate offices located a comfortable distance from the labs. Instrumentation includes three fume hoods with Schlenk lines for air-sensitive synthesis, four inert-atmosphere gloveboxes equipped with an integrated thermal evaporator, two ALD systems, photodiode/transistor measurements stations, a rapid thermal processing system, multiple cryostats, a 7-source RF/DC sputter system, Langmuir-Schaefer deposition system, variable-temperature Hall effect system, dip coater, spin coater, centrifuge, electrochemistry station, thermopower measurement station, and furnaces. Outside of the gloveboxes is a spectrophotometer with integrating sphere, extended-range FTIR spectrometer with multiple sampling accessories, AFM, benchtop XRD, steady-state visible/IR photoluminescence spectrometer, picosecond white light laser system, photoreactor with in-line mass spectrometry for catalysis studies, several homebuilt CVD systems, an H2S annealing furnace, closed-cycle helium optical cryostat (4-350 K), eight additional furnaces and ovens for materials synthesis, spin coater, dip coater, rotovap, plasma cleaner, ozone generator, centrifuge, multiple hydrothermal synthesis vessels, another variable-temperature Hall effect system, and two computer workstations for data analysis and manuscript preparation. Group members also heavily use the UCI materials characterization user facilities for TEM, SEM, XRD, XPS, TGA/DSC, ICPMS, optical spectroscopy, and other techniques.